5 Reasons To Choose RAW Cones To Smoke

Smoking is not just all about how a person prefers his/her way to smoke. Frequent smokers are also placing lots of importance on their smoking experiences. RAW cones are smoking accessories that provide organic and natural smoking experiences with lots of advantages.

Smokers all over the world have consistently used RAW cones until now due to their advantages. It doesn’t matter if the RAW cones are in standard sizes from 1 ¼ to the Kingsize or in extraordinary sizes that range between Emperador (45mm tip) to Supernatural (88mm tip).

We will walk you through the reasons why you should include RAW cones in your smoking-related decisions. More precisely, here are the cones’ advantages:

#1. Has a straightforward nature

Most people smoke because they want to blow off their stress. Stress itself is already making our heads spin like crazy. So, when we seek places to let out our steam, we generally look for something so straightforward.

Pre-rolled or classic RAW cones are so simple to roll and use that we immediately think about these cones when we talk about smoking accessories. Unlike other cones that have fruity, floral, or other themes, these smoking cones emit smoke that smells “the ways they’ve always been”.

A stressed-out person would imagine the smoke clearing up clutters in their minds as their noses interact with the smoke. Plus, you don’t need to couple it with other complicated smoking accessories. Such simplicity and straightforwardness are unrivaled when it comes to smoking accessory selections.

#2. The most readily available

RAW cones are the mothers of all smoking cones because the rest of the cones improvise their forms from this pre-rolled cone’s structures. The smoking and cannabis industries around the US have also recorded significant sales growth in selling these types of cones since 2018.

We will also find these pre-rolled cones as the most readily available smoking accessories when we see smoking products and accessories in supermarkets and local stores. They often come in practical packages that we can open with the least step-by-step amounts.

Currently, these pre-rolled cones’ wholesale prices are $2 per roll. At some points, supermarkets and wholesalers can offer discounted prices and other promotions, which make these smoking accessories even more well-known.

#3. A healthy alternative for smokers

Almost all RAW cones are either organic or environmentally friendly. The fact that a person can easily crush them when he/she fails to handle the cones well is proof that we can rely on these smoking accessories to smoke while still being mindful of the environmental impacts.

We may see the straightforward light brown color for RAW cones instead of the combination of white and light brown. It is because these types of cones don’t contain chlorines, the whitening agent for cigarettes. Chlorines are also the primary contributing factors when we think about smokers who frequently experience nose irritation or coughing after they smoke.

Ingredient-wise, these smoking accessories also belong to some of the most naturally-sourced accessories. In other words, almost no RAW cones have artificial ingredients. For instance, RAW cones are made from natural water-based gum instead of the chemical glue that most other cones have. These entire things add to the convenience when you smoke.

These cones are also the go-to places when you need enjoyable smoking experiences. It is because they don’t burn fast. When you roll on these cones, you’ll feel the smooth, relaxing, and (of course) healthy-looking burns coming from the cones’ tips.

#4. Comes in different packages that you can choose from

Smokers come from many backgrounds, hence, their ideals of having fun with their smoking experiences are highly varied. As a result, the more packaging options that smokers can choose, the more likely they will feel satisfied with their experiences.

RAW cones products are available in different product dimensions, packages, tippings in millimeters, and more. The 1-¼ cone products are among the best-selling products due to the tips’ anatomies and structures, and most people would buy the ones containing between 75 to 100 cones in one pack.

Some other people choose 70/30 pre-rolled cones that have slightly different stick forms than the most popular 1-¼ RAW cone products. Like their 1-¼ counterparts, the 70/30 pre-rolled cones also often contain 100 sticks in one pack. There can even be thousands of pre-rolled 70/30 sticks in one pack, which can be entertaining to use for long-term occasions.

Bump boxes are the best-selling complementary accessories for RAW cone products. These boxes can contain up to Kingsize RAW cones. Each hole can contain one cigarette stick. You can also bring these boxes everywhere you go, and you will look more awesome than ever.

#5. Can make you feel on the top

The health values and the simple nature of the cones are enough to make any person feel on top. These smoking accessories are not for faint-hearted people on the street who just want to inhale smoke for the sake of guilty pleasure.

We guarantee you will feel different the times you smoke any of the RAW cones products. When you arrive at the party and bring the bump boxes in, you will automatically be the dependable person every time your friends need to store their cigarette sticks in the boxes.

The RAW cones products are not only readily available. The awesome designs and watermarks also don’t only stop producing smooth-yet-tasteful smokes. You will leave the place feeling less stressed and more powerful as you smoke the cones.

Some final words

RAW cones are not the smoking accessories you’d want to mess around with. The company makes sure the cones’ creation processes are going through to make you feel powerful, proud, and over the top.

Not only that, RAW cones have different designs and come in different dimensions and packaging selections. These cones are also ideal for smoking healthily because these cones don’t contain any harmful or questionable chemical ingredients. It will be no surprise if RAW cones become some of the most popular cigarette products in the US until some time sooner or later. The unique structures and stick tips are also the keys to retaining more smokers’ loyalty to these products.


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